Forge a Rez Erection
Before we do such a thing I'm going to need to know that these are safe for consumption. #ForReasons
🌞🚀 「OPS 61」「US91」 The holiday countdown is on! Join us Saturday morning at as we explore the Prime Path in Star Trek Fleet Command. Almost Christmas, but always cosmic! 🎄🌌✨ #TwitchGalacticMorning #StarTrekFleetCommand
Time to get to know another team member!
Meet Aiko, She's the Senior Asset Creator for Dungeon Alchemist⚗️
She created many of the 3D assets you use in your maps.
@MustBTV … So you have at least Link to the Past (SNES) and Ocarina of Time (N64) to also play. Gatta play The Greats!!
Can't wait to dive back into @TheRedBarrels Outlast Trials. I was laughing so hard at @ACER1ALKILL3R you can not understand what I am saying. This was so much fun and looking forward tonight for more laughter.
I don't understand why this was so funny to me. It is. I still can't stop chuckling about this stupid meme
🎮 Console Resurrection in Progress 🎮
Finally setting up my Xbox, Switch, and PlayStation after months of collecting dust. Content? Probably not. Progress? Absolutely. 😂 Drop your game recs below (unless it’s Dark Souls, not ready for that). 😅 #GamerLife #TryingMyBest
I recognize the value that ads bring to the table as a content creator. I even try to not interrupt things in my stream because of this very reason. Nothing I hate more than I'm right in the middle of something and "Have you heard about our product? But wait there's more!"
I always thought of myself more as Hawkeye but I'm not mad at this one either.
Thanks @ReAnimateHer_ for this great idea.
This right here!
@MustBTV That and the autosave that happens just before you enter that next door to the big open circular area with high walls.
It's about to go down!
Anyone else feeling this right now?
Thank you much sir. Greatly appreciate your friendship all these years
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